FPCS Transparent

Forest Park Christian Early Learning Center

Enrolling Now-Call Us Today: (614) 888-5282

                                                 Open 6:30 am-6:00 pm Mon-Fri

The Chiller
The Chiller One of our summer camp field trips is The Chiller! The school age children have so much fun and we are thankful to our school age staff who take care of them!
Swimming Day
Swimming Day School age children enrolled in our summer camp get to enjoy going to the swimming pool twice a week!
Popsicle Break
Popsicle Break During those hot pool days, during a swim break, the school agers receive a Popsicle to help keep them cool.
U-Paint Our field trip to upaint studios where our groups were able to paint a mug of their choosing.
Painting Our field trip to upaint studios where our groups were able to paint a mug of their choosing.
Columbus Zoo
Columbus Zoo Rain or shine a trip to the zoo is always fun!
Columbus Zoo 2
Columbus Zoo 2 Rain or shine a trip to the zoo is always fun!
Mr. Brett our Administrator on his birthday
Mr. Brett our Administrator on his birthday description
String Bird Feeder
String Bird Feeder Did you know you can make a bird feeder with just string and Cheerios?
Winter Craft
Winter Craft Using shapes, sparkles, and imagination the group make beautiful winter trees!
Christmas Program 2022 Cats
Christmas Program 2022 Cats The Cats Class getting ready to preform the Reindeer Pokey for family and friends at our annual Christmas Program.
Name Painting
Name Painting There are many ways to help children learn to recognize their name. Painting is one of the fun ones!