FPCS Transparent

Forest Park Christian Early Learning Center

Enrolling Now-Call Us Today: (614) 888-5282

                                                 Open 6:30 am-6:00 pm Mon-Fri

Creative Curriculum
Our After School Curriculum

"Cincy After School"


Cincy After School program was designed to support the healthy development of children by building strengths and meeting the needs of the whole child.  Increased student achievement and reduction of risk-taking behaviors are two primary goals of the program.  The curriculum achieves these goals through engaging students and their families in balanced activities aligned with Ohio Academic Standards.”

  • Cincy After School curriculum focuses on:Building relationships with students as the foundation
  • Creating supportive environments as the key to proving learning and growing experiences
  • Connecting to programs and learning practices that foster growth


Our Summer Day Camp Curriculum

"The Adding Assets Series for Kids"

This curriculum is about helping children add Developmental Assets to their lives such as:  

  • a loving supportive family
  • a caring neighborhood
  • self-esteem
  • helping other people
  • telling the truth
  • completing homework and handing it in ontime


Each session includes activities, discussion prompts, and a handout to bring home to parents and other family adults.  The sessions correlate with specific standards in the areas of character education, health, social studies, social and emotional learning, and language arts.  Student handouts are used in the sessions.













Our Toddler, Preschool, & Pre-K                                        "Creative Curriculum"


The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool is…


The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool is based on six fundamental beliefs:

1. The value of play as a vehicle for learning.

2. The importance of helping children to develop social competence.

3. The vital role of the teacher in connecting content and learning.

4. The benefits of building a partnership with families.

5. A belief that all children, including those with special needs, can thrive in an appropriate classroom.

6. The importance of linking curriculum and assessment.


The five components of The Creative Curriculum, framework are applied to eleven areas—Blocks

Dramatic Play

Toys and Games




Sand and Water

Music and Movement










Call (614) 888-5292 for a tour of our facility!